
Atlas Liquid Fund

Atlas Liquid Fund (ALF) was established by a Trust Deed dated July 30, 2021, between Atlas Asset Management Limited, as Management Company and Central Depository Company of Pakistan Limited (CDC), as Trustee.
The objective of Atlas Liquid Fund (ALF) is to provide competitive return to its investors (with a periodic payout) by investing in low risk, highly liquid and short duration portfolio consist of money market instruments.
The Fund invests in money market instruments with a maximum time to maturity of six months for any asset whereas, weighted average time to maturity of the fund cannot exceed 90 days. This is intended to reduce risk while maintaining liquidity. The Fund’s investment strategy is based on fundamental credit analysis of counterparties. The Fund primarily invests in short term government securities/bank deposits and other short term money market instruments subject to such exposure limits as are specified in the Rules, the Regulations and directives issued by SECP from time to time. The Fund will make periodic payout to the unit holders, which shall be reinvested.
Fund Launch Date : November 23, 2021
Type : Open-ended
Category : Money Market Scheme
Dealing Days : Monday to Friday
Cut Off Timings : 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. (For Same Day Redemption till 10:00 a.m.)
Front End Load : Nil
Pricing Mechanism : Backward Pricing
Management Fee : Up to 1.00%
Actual Rate of Management Fee will be disclosed in Monthly FMR
Expense Ratio Limit : Upto 2% (including Management Fee) of Average Annual Net Assets
Fund Risk Profile : Low
Rating : AA+ (f) PACRA (as on 18-October-2024)
Listing : Pakistan Stock Exchange
Trustee : Central Depository Company of Pakistan Limited (CDC)
Registrar : ITMinds Limited: 99-B, Block “B”, S.M.C.H.S., Shahrah-e-Faisal, Karachi.
Auditor : A. F. Ferguson & Co.
Financial Year Ending : June 30
Payout Frequency : Dividend payout on periodic basis (i.e. Daily, Weekly, Monthly, Quarterly and Yearly) will be distributed to the unit holder(s).
Benchmark : 90% three months PKRV rates + 10% three (3) months average of the highest rates on savings account of three (3) AA rated scheduled Banks as selected by MUFAP.